
Uwiotys supports bacnet protocol (until version 3.3.0).

There are no specific operation to do to add a bacnet sensor as soon as you have a valide licence with Bacnet enabled

The bacnet network can be seen using an external tool as the freeware YABE ( Of course, other tools exists and can be used as soon as they are compatible with the bacnet protocol. (

Adding a sensor

There are no specific operation to do to add a new sensor for bacnet. You can use the Online support interface ( to create your infrastructure.

Only Analog input and Analog values are corrently supported.

Analog inputs are used for data coming from the sensor.

Analog values are used to send information to the sensors. Only Classe C sensor are currently supported for this mode.

Visualize the data from YABE

YABE is a free tool that can be used to visualize your bacnet network. First ensure that the uWiotys GW is connected to your network. Press the green + button to add a network. The following pop-up will open:
